All The Best For Your 2023!

Dear all,
Happy New Year from the team!
Wishing you all the best for the year ahead.
May it be filled with happiness, success, peace and prosperity!
NEW: Starting 2023, you may get access to promotional offers (upcoming SEAS driver offer! ) and quarterly news by subscribing <here> (Otherwise unsubscribe via link below)Um ab 2023 über besondere Angebote (demnächst: SEAS Treiber Sonderangebot)  und Neuigkeiten informiert zu werden, bitte hier registrieren. (Falls nicht, melden Sie sich über den Abmeldelink oder das Empfängerprofil bitte ab)
Thank you all for the outstanding show comments and the many personal „Best of Show“, that we received 2022. Read more here.

At these three major US-Audio-Shows, we displayed the LX521.4MG turnkey system (Panzerholz Edition), fed by a pair of PowerBoxes 6pro Ncore precision analog.

A new LINKWITZ® Lounge opened its doors on the East Coast:
Charles Port will be your host in Annapolis/MD.

If you feel ready yourself to demonstrate your LINKWITZ system (an existing one or a new purchase), guide and assist potential customers, then you may apply to become a LINKWITZ Lounge fellow. It can be very satisfying, indeed, and may co-fund your own audio setup. Just email us with your location and room size and we will come back to you.
May your 2023 be a good one….and don’t forget to enroll for 2023 promo-offers and quarterly news <here>.

Best Regards,
Frank Brenner & the LINKWITZ Team

2023 Special Offers & News