LINKWITZ LX521.4MG at Norddeutsche Hifitage Hamburg

For the very first time, we could bring the LX521.4MG experience to the visitors of this Hamburg Hifi Show.


We thank all visitors of our room for their nice feedback and the many “best of show” comments.
Many visitors came back with their friends as they were especially impressed by

  • the naturalness and spatial/holographic presentation,
  • the A/B demo of Sound Liaisons OneMic/MultiMic samples and
  • the tight/un-boomy and impulsive bass, that performed impressively in such an acoustically small hotel room.

Many visitors heard the “Product of the Year” for the first time.


The LINKWITZ room was (over-)crowded from start to finish. Sorry to those, who could just make it into the aisle of our room and didn’t manage to find a proper seat to enjoy this LX521 experience.


A special “thank you” to Joachim from LINKWITZ Lounge Hamburg and to Frans (sound engineer of Sound Liaison) for their support and especially Frans for giving the audience insight in the recording and post-processing (with LX521 in the control room).

Frans´work in the studio contributes essentially to our goal of reproducing the recorded music event in your living room.

Some voices 

“Die Musikalität rechtfertigte diesen Preis zweifelsfrei…..Die Aufnahmen, die wir über das Linkwitz LX521 hörten, klangen beeindruckend. Diese Erlebnisse machten den ersten Tag auch musikalisch erfreulich”